Birth Like a Mammal™ is a community created for both parents and doulas. Lindsay has over a decade of professional doula experience supporting families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Combined with her B.S. in Animal Science, Lindsay is an expert on mammalian birth. Most of what is taking place in hospital L&D units is not in alignment with mammalian biology, and the complications that arise during and from giving birth can be prevented or avoided altogether by simply giving birth like a mammal.
Episode 7: Your Baby Does Not Want to be Alone
In episode 7 of the Birth Like a Mammal podcast, host Lindsay Askins, an experienced doula, birth coach, and Mother, discusses why babies are evolutionarily programmed to NOT be left alone. She emphasizes the normal mammalian dependency of babies on their Mothers amongst societal norms that promote independence and separation.
Lindsay discusses the psychological and physiological implications of practices like 'crying it out,' babies sleeping alone, and other examples of separation from their Mother, using illustrations from other mammals and indigenous cultures to support her points. This episode calls to realign our birth and childcare practices with mammalian biology for healthier and more holistic development and less life-long trauma.
Key Takeaways:
- Understanding the importance of aligning human birth practices with mammalian instincts for better outcomes.
- Babies are programmed by evolution to be dependent on their Mothers, contrary to the modern emphasis on early independence.
- Practices like sleep training and early separation can cause long-term psychological and physiological issues.
- Insights into how indigenous cultures handle birth and childcare, emphasizing constant companionship and natural processes.
- Encouraging a shift in societal norms towards more mammalian-aligned parenting practices.
- "Obstetrics makes no connection to mammalian biology in regards to birth, resulting in high complications."
- "Your baby doesn't want to be alone. It truly believes that it will die if it is left alone."
- "We are creating a problem by forcing independence upon a being that is designed to be dependent."
Looking for further support during pregnancy?
Birth Like a Mammal™ offers coaching, classes, and a birth prep workbook to help you prepare for a truly mammalian birth.
Humans are mammals and we are designed to birth like mammals.
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Music Credit:
Snow Path by Vlad Gluschenko | https://soundcloud.com/vgl9
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)
Edited by: Stefanie Wenninger | Pine Peak Productions